LMD/Laser Cladding for tool and mold making
Tools should be productive – regardless of whether they are pressing tools or injection molds. Therefore, repairs or modifications are always critical. They must be carried out quickly and precisely under all circumstances, while maintaining the high quality of the repair material used. LMD (or DED or laser cladding) is the method of choice. However, the processing of 3D free-form surfaces is associated with special challenges! No CAD data exist for worn tools, so time-consuming offline programming or teaching was often required in conventional LMD systems.
Cost efficiency through LUNOVU technology
The LUNOVU scan/toolpath generation technology takes care of all time-consuming actions. Arbitrary tools can be scanned directly in the LMD system. Based on the 3D model generated from this, the areas to be cladded can be defined with just a few mouse clicks. The LUNOVU software then automatically calculates the complete CNC or robot programs, which can be executed immediately.